2009年6月12日 星期五

選修 "服務與營運管理" @ 台大 EMBA 學分班 Fall 09

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Wendy 媽於兩年前考上台大 EMBA 學分班, 修了兩科之後, 就因懷孕生子而中斷了一年... 現在小阿慈也四個月了, Wendy 媽也準備九月再回學校囉~ 日前還拿著學生證去台大圖書館確認是否還有效, 答案是沒問題! 那麼九月就來選個課吧!


服務與營運管理 (Fall, 2009)

授課教師:郭瑞祥 (台大商研所教授; 台大進修推廣部主任)
Email : rsguo@ntu.edu.tw

課程目的:服務與營運管理討論組織如何整合資源,提供產品與服務以滿足顧客之需求,本課程以 General Management 觀點,探討營運與服務的策略性意涵,設計與執行之整合,程內容分為兩大部份:營運管理與服務管理。在營運管理方面,主題包括流程策略、流程分析,產能管理,精簡系統,品質管理與產品發展。在服務管理方面,主題包括顧客營運參與、服務設計,服務品質與服務創新。

本課程上課方式以 Harvard 經典個案為主,搭配錄影片播放、文章導讀、模擬遊戲、上課演講,以期有效提昇同學學習興趣。為減輕同學負擔,所有個案均附中文翻譯。修課學生不限產業背景或工作性質,個案產業橫跨餐飲、醫療服務、航空運輸、產品設計、拍賣網站、銀行、旅館。

1. Harvard個案、HBR文章、與授課投影片影印本
2. 「IDEA 物語」, Tom Kelly 著,大塊文化
3. Service Management – James Fitzsimmons 著, McGrawHill, 2008.

授課方式:個案討論、文章選讀、講演評分標準:上課參與 (25%)、小組個案作業 (35%), 期中個案考(20%)、期末個案考(20%)

Operations management is concerned with the production of goods and the delivery of services to meet customers' demands. It is one of the central functions of every business, government agency, and non-for-profit organizations. Sound and creative operations management can provide an important competitive advantage for firms to succeed in today's marketplace. Successful companies need to have the capability of delivering high-quality products/services to meet their ever-changing customer demands in a timely and cost-effective manner. It has also been realized that the operations function must integrate into the overall corporate planning and strategy to achieve such an advantage. Therefore, an understanding of operations management is important for all managers, and a working knowledge about the Operations function of a firm is an integral part of your MBA education.

The objective of this course is to develop a general managerial perspective on the role of operations management in the function of a firm, at both the tactical and strategic levels. The course will offer a broad survey of concepts and techniques in managing operations, with particular emphasis on a number of major operations management issues that can significantly affect the competitive position of a firm in the marketplace. Through the discussions of these issues, the students can also develop a good understanding about how operations should interact with other functional areas such as marketing and finance.