2009年9月23日 星期三

線上動畫兒童書 @ 文建會網站

文建會線上動畫 - http://children.cca.gov.tw/garden/

給有小朋友的朋友,以及沒有小朋友的大朋友 :


感謝單協提供好資訊, 我有上去看過哦.. 繪本花園裡的每一本繪本都超可愛的... 文建會挺有心的..

累壞大人的唱跳課 @ 美育奧福景美校

美育奧福 - http://www.kidsmusic.com.tw/

話說, Wendy 媽某日收到 eDM, 說是九月底可以免費試上的兒童課程, 好哇, 當然要試試看瑄喜不喜歡, 就去囉... 這天來到景美的美育奧福 (天母家隔壁條巷子也有一家, 週末去看到總是人山人海的...), 洗好手手就進去教室囉... 老師先放兒童音樂給大家聽...

然後就是教關於 "圓形" 的概念, 比方說唱 "圓圓月亮" 的歌, 滾著圓圓呼拉圈跑步, 繞圈圈打各種樂器... 之類的... 內容是都很不錯啦, 瑄瑄高不高興我是不知道, 但 50 分鐘弄下來, Wendy 媽的確是累得一個老骨頭快散了...

到最後 Wendy 媽還是沒決定要參加, 原因有三個.
1. 當天那位老師好像不太熟練, 還要不時翻文件看下一步要帶什麼活動, 和小朋友互動也沒有說很活潑~
2. 場地好像有膽雜亂, 每間教室外堆滿鞋子, 教室內似乎有一個腳臭味... 這... 給小小孩玩的環境, 可以弄更乾淨一點...
3. 活動方面, 方式好像也是跟 "故事島" 差不多, 就是給小朋友拿各種樂器啦, 唱唱歌啦, 帶舞蹈啦... 只是說故事島的 Bunny 姐姐活潑多了... 這樣的話, 花 NT$200/hour 去故事島就好啦... 似乎沒必要再花五六千來玩類似的活動了...

Anyways, 等瑄滿三歲, 再帶去上一些可獨立進去上的課好了. 現在不管玩什麼兒童課程, 都要 Wendy 媽在一旁伺候著, 真的會累死我呀... (瑄已達 16 公斤, 三不五時就要媽媽抱, 媽媽抱...) 等以後阿慈長大點, 也要開始上的話, Wendy 媽可能會被壓扁吧...

英文教學充電站 @ TESOL Taiwan 課程

TESOL 國際英語教師課程 - http://www.tesoltaiwan.com/tesol-main.php

商務英語教學認證課程 - http://www.tesoltaiwan.com/ATI_forBusiness.php

話說, Wendy 媽在南陽街交久了, 偶爾也會想自我充電一下, 看現在有沒新的趨勢或教法... etc. 就找到 TESOL Taiwan 的線上教學課程囉. 其實他們也是有實體教室課程啦 (請看上述網站的開課資訊), 但被兩個小孩綁架著的 Wendy 媽不可能去朝九晚五上個五天課, 只好看看線上課程比較實在. 其 Business English on-line learning 是 NT$11,000 左右, 帳號永久有效, 隨時要看課都可以的... 內容包括以下, 有須要的朋友們, 可以自行上網參考一下囉~

- Pronunciation
- Approaches
- Art/Musical
- Lexical Method
- Audio-lingual Method
- Total Physical Response
- Communicative Approach
- Telephone English
- Business Dining
- Meetings
- Resume Writing
- Business Plan
- International Trade
- Credit Risk Management
- Investments
- Portfolio Management
- Business Ethics
- Final Essay

有點 "太貴" 的童畫塗鴉 @ Gymboree 敦北健寶園

Gymboree 健寶園 - http://www.gymboree.com.tw/

除了唱歌, 跳舞, 玩化妝品, 玩辦家家酒... 之外, 瑄瑄也最愛畫畫了. 這天 Wendy 媽, 阿媽, 瑄瑄與慈慈, 一同來到 Gymboree 敦北館, 要給瑄瑄參加畫畫課 (Arts) 課一小時. Well, 其實瑄瑄是以體驗價去參加的, 要不然的話, 平常畫個一小時就要 NT$800 耶, 若有加入會員, 也要 NT$790 耶... 這... 根據試上過的內容, Wendy 媽是認為不太值得啦! 要是真的是錢多到沒處花, 想當個 "日日燒錢的媽媽", 再去 Gymboree 畫畫好了, 否則的話, 其實畫筆多買幾盒在家畫也是一樣的哩... 那這五十分內是在弄些什麼, 還要 NT$800 呢? 就是以下四個內容:

1. 顏料滾輪 - 將一張很大的圖畫紙貼在牆上, 一人一張, 接著一人發一支滾輪, 老師發數種顏色, 給小朋友沾色隨意滾動, 滾出自己的配色與創意. 瑄瑄是玩得渾然忘我啦... 這樣大約滾個十分鐘...

2. 唸故事書 - 接下來收一收, 將手擦一擦, 就坐下來唸故事書, 唸了十分鐘...

3. 做相框 - 每人發一張框框狀的色紙, 再發一些細小的亮晶晶的星星, 就是要小朋友利用膠水將亮亮的東西貼在畫紙上, 是可以訓練小朋友的手指靈活度... 也大約貼了個十分鐘...

4. 串珠珠 - 最後十分鐘, 老師拿出拼圖和串珠, 就是給小朋友練習手眼並用. 要將各種顏色, 形狀的串珠一一串到線上, 是要有手眼協調的能力的, 也是不錯的練習啦...

一小時內大約做上述四個活動, 不可諱言的, 都是非常好的練習, 只是說, 塗壓啦, 唸故事啦, 串珠啦... 這些家裏就有啦, 在家做就好啦, 花八百去那弄幹嘛?! (坐計程車來回也要四百咧~) 本來以為是說會有與眾不同的 Arts 活動, 比方說顏料調色啦, 給小朋友著色畫彩蛋啦... 之類比較不同的節目... 結果是感覺花這 NT$800 有點不太值得啦...

瑄瑄的芭蕾舞初體驗 @ 天母成均舞蹈學苑

成均舞蹈學苑 - http://www.amy-dance.com

話說, 瑄瑄到了快三歲這個階段, 最愛唱歌跳舞的了. 每早起來看 MoMo 兒童台, 看到節目中有小朋友帶動唱的, 就會跟著手舞足蹈了起來, 還說 "媽媽, 我也要進去電視裏面跳..." 但常常會遭到樓下鄰居的抗議說太吵了... 這... 好吧, 就去找找跳舞班, 給瑄瑄去跳個夠吧...

這天來到了天母西路上麥當勞後面的 "成均舞蹈學苑", 一進門看到高雅美麗的老師, 她說還是可以試試看啦, 但一般來說還是要滿三歲的小朋友才聽得懂指令喔... 那既然瑄瑄這麼愛跳, 就還是換舞衣, 由媽媽陪著進去跳跳看好了... 愛漂亮的瑄穿上可愛的芭蕾舞衣, 自然是開心到一個不行了... 進到教室, 看到有美國的, 日本的, 印度的, 和台灣的小朋友哩... 老師也都還要講英文日文呢, 有夠厲害的啦! 跳了個十分鐘, 這下好了, 瑄瑄開始怯場了, 一直要媽媽抱... 只好抱著她在一旁觀看.

媽媽們可能會說, 坊間唱唱跳跳的兒童教室也是一堆呀, 那 Amy's Dance 有何不同呢? Well, 根據 Wendy 媽在裏面看了十分鐘的觀察, 她們放的音樂是真的芭蕾舞的音樂喔, 不是隨便說放兒歌就隨便跳那種. 另外, 教的動作也是芭蕾舞的基本動作, 不是就比手劃腳動一動就好的哩...

其實呀, 根據濤濤老師 (雲門舞集舞者) 的建議, 小孩最好是到 7-10 歲之間再學芭蕾, 太早學的話, 恐怕腿部的發展會有問題呢... 所以說, 三四歲這種兒童芭蕾舞, 可以說是一種 "幼兒律動" 吧... 就是早些接觸音樂, 和動動身體吧... (價格方面, 因為瑄瑄第一次試跳十分鐘是免費啦, 要不然一般好像是 NT$ 500 左右 / 一小時), 粉紅色舞衣大約是 NT$600 左右, 要另外買喔!

再過幾個月, 瑄瑄就滿三歲囉... 到時就可以再到 Amy's Dance 去跳幼兒的芭蕾律動課囉...

力大無窮的精油按摩 @ Luxe Resort 會館

Luxe Resort - http://www.luxe-resort.com
Tel: 02-8772-8151
Open: 10am-10pm

眼看九月份又快過了, 趕緊來 update 一下 blog, 平時抱小慈等於是雙手被綁架了一樣, 今天善爸來顧, 就來補一篇 Wendy 媽最愛的 spa 文章吧! 話說 Wendy 媽已開始去上濤濤老師的 Jazz 伸展課了, 上完一小時之後, 筋骨是有鬆開一點, 若是可以乘勝追擊馬上來個全身精油舒壓按摩, 那就再完美也不過了... 東看西看, 看上在濤濤老師舞蹈館附近的兩家 spa - "依聖詩" 和 "路克" 芳療館 (兩家都是步行兩分鐘內的路程~). 後來比較一下價格, 路克的每小時精油按摩大約是 NT$1,300 左右, 比依聖詩的便宜許多, 就約好某天上完 Jazz 的時間來體驗囉...

來到位於幽靜的大安路上的 Luxe Resort, 門面清爽明亮. 進到內部裝潢和坐椅也是簡單舒適. 被領去澡間, 很大也很乾淨, 沖澡水柱也很強, 只是有兩個小問題, 其一是水溫有點忽冷忽熱, 其二是換的衣服好像有點怪 (不是潔白的浴袍, 而是灰色的男性套頭 T-Shirt/短褲組, 後來因為不想穿, 就穿我自己的 T-Shirt~).

接下來來到 B1 按摩房間, 大大的擺了三張床, 但美容師說一般不會把互不認識的客人安排在同一間按, 所以不用擔心! 美容師 Betty 進來了, 是一位身材頗魁梧的小姐, 聲音也很宏亮, 個性很開朗的樣子! 開始按就有感覺不一樣了, Betty 的按壓力道非常大, 雖然多少會酸痛, 但卻是那種氣結被揉開化開的感覺! 相較之下, 給 iYoga 的 Grace 按摩時會睡著, 但給 Betty 按時肯定是睡不著的啦! 整個人就會在感覺酸痛又感覺筋骨舒暢中度過~ Betty 可以說是 Wendy 媽遇到過按壓力道最大的芳療師了啦! 好吧, 即便 Luxe Resort 設備不會像 QiSpa 一般 user-friendly, 但衝著 Betty 的力大無窮, Wendy 媽還是會再來的啦! 若有興趣的媽媽/小姐也要去的話, 記得要找 Betty 喔!

另外, Luxe Resort 也有做美甲保養的服務, 但價格好像有點過高, 手足同時深層保養就要 NT$2,800 了... 這... 比凱洛莉足足貴出一千塊... 我想我是不會在這做手足的部份. 十月份可能還會推出做臉的服務. 對了, Luxe Resort 以有做男性舒壓部份喔, 男性的按摩部份應該就是穿著衣服做中式的推拿那樣吧... 就不是精油的按摩... 可以再自行打電話去詢問細節囉...

2009年9月18日 星期五

和音樂做好朋友 @ YAMAHA 紅蘋果班

YAHAMA 和音樂做好朋友 - http://www.yamahakhs.com/yms9802/index.htm

紅蘋果班介紹 - http://www.yamahakhs.com/yms/kclass5_1.asp

剛剛開了 blog 起來看, 哇, 上次寫是十天前了... 最近 Wendy 媽真的有忙到 - 台大開學了, 要看課程要寫 case; 要交 TOEIC 新講義, 要看 Minitab 課程, 要看 iWriting 課程... etc. 還要開始帶瑄瑄去每週五早上的 "大叫 ABC" 課程, 阿慈開始要站起來了, 眼睛要一直盯著她... etc. 總之, 就是一整個超忙的就對了... 

今天, 無論再如何想愛睏, 還是要來 po 一下分享! Wendy 要分享的消息, 是有關於兒童音樂方面的課程! 話說當瑄瑄一歲在 "抓週" 的時候, 床上擺了鈔票啦, 皮夾啦, 川普的致富 CD 啦... 等一堆 Wendy 媽期望靠她發大財的東西在那給她抓, 沒想到, 瑄瑄視金錢如糞土, 對身外之物看都不看一眼, 就去抓了一個玩具樂器 (記得是一把吉他) 來玩! 好吧! 瑄瑄是女生, 愛玩音樂變得有美女氣質也是不錯啦... 所以說, 現在瑄兩歲七個月囉, 開始接觸音樂也是剛好的時間點囉...

某日經過台大附近的 YAHAMA 音樂教室掛出的 banner, 看到秋季課程在招生囉, 打電話去問, 說是 2.5 歲適合上的 "紅蘋果班" (摘自 YAMAHA 網頁介紹如下.) 要在南京東路二段的本部才有開課, 因為針對小小孩的音樂環境, 樂器... 等, 都要特別經過規劃才行的哩... 喔, 好吧, 為了小孩, 再遠的教室也是要抱著去吧... 於是, 打電話去幫瑄瑄報了名了, 十月中就要開始上課囉...


家有小小孩 (2.5 歲以上) 的媽媽, 若有興趣也可自行打電話去詢問囉, 聯絡資訊如下. 2009 年十月份的課程是每週三 10am-10:50am 喔! (價格的話話, 十堂 NT$4,725, 只收現金, 不可刷卡...)

Add: 台北市南京東路二段6號10樓
Tel: 02-2511-4367
Fax: 02-2541-9983
Web: http://www.yamaha-mf.org.tw/
e-mail: center@yamaha-mf.org.tw
Hours: (一)~(六)09:00~21:00 / (日)休

2009年9月6日 星期日

兒童捏塑班 @ MoMo 創意手做土坊

MOMO 創意手作土坊 - http://www.momoworks.com.tw/front/bin/home.phtml

時間過得好快喔, 九月了~ 瑄大約兩歲七個月囉~ 自九月開始, Wendy 媽有一個最新決定, 就是在每週忙碌的生活中 (兩個兼任工作, 兩晚上上課, 瘦身運動... etc.), 挑出每週二/三兩天陪瑄和慈, 帶瑄出去玩 (故事屋, 氣球屋, 玩具屋... etc.) 所以說, 最近呀, 除了在台北市大街小巷找 SPA 之外, 變成也在大街小巷找兒童的才藝教室囉...

話說這天週日, 帶瑄在天母家附近逛逛, 就看到一間外表溫馨雅緻的小店, 招牌上寫著 "創意手作坊", 推門進去看看, 哇... 到處擺滿了可愛又亮晶晶的黏土作品, 有娃娃的, Hello Kitty 的, 動物的... 反正就是很多很多... 連瑄都看得津津有味的... 問了小姐, 她說大約四歲再開始學, 比較聽得懂指令喔, 要不然兩三歲可能只是隨便捏一捏... 另外, 價格方面, 做一次大約 NT$290 左右而已... 讓小朋友捏黏土可以發揮創意, 還可以鍛鍊到小手指的靈活力, 一舉兩得, 若有機會的話 (天母地區的店家好像常常會換...) 等瑄四歲再給她來上課吧... 對了, 她們還有開設成人的創意教室喔... 現在先將相關資料列如以下, 有興趣的媽媽/小姐可以自行聯絡囉...

聯絡 - 楊芷綾小姐
電話 - 02-2876-0056
地址 - 台北市天母西路13巷1號1F
網頁 - http://www.momoworks.com.tw/

2009年9月5日 星期六

Dream List @ UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management - http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/mba.xml

Application Checklist

Complete the online application and pay the application fee ($200 USD).

Arrange submission of two letters of recommendation online (recommendations received will be acknowledged via email). If submitting letters of recommendation by mail, be sure to send them by Certified Mail so that you will know that they have arrived.

Have GMAT scores sent directly to UCLA Anderson from Pearson VUE, institutional code 2NZ-2F-24.

Have TOEFL scores sent directly to UCLA Anderson from ETS (institutional code 4837-02). We also accept IELTS scores.


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please be introspective and authentic in your responses. We value the opportunity to learn about your life experiences, aspirations, and goals.

All responses to essays must be on double-spaced pages that are uploaded in document form, except for Essay 4 for first-time applicants, which may be submitted as an audio or video file instead.

First-time applicants -- 4 required essays:

1. Describe the ways in which your family and/or community have helped shape your development. (750 words)

2. Describe the biggest risk you have ever taken, the outcome, and what you learned in the process. (500 words)

3. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? (750 words)

4. Select and respond to one of the two following questions. We would like you to respond to the question by recording an audio or video response, 1-2 minutes long (up to 5 MB maximum), for upload in the online application.

(Please note: The supported file types for audio files are: .avi, .wav, .mp3, .wmv, .midi, .wma, .aiff, .au, .mp4; the supported file types for video files are: .mov, .avi, .wmv, .mpeg). If you are unable to submit your response via audio or video, then please prepare a written response instead. (250 words)

a. Entrepreneurship is a mindset that embraces innovation and risk-taking within both established and new organizations. Describe an instance in which you exhibited this mindset.

b. What is something people will find surprising about you?

OPTIONAL: Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? (250 words)

Dream List @ Cornell Univ. (The Johnson School)

Cornell University (The Johnson School of Management) - http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/prospectivestudents/

Application Requirements

- A Johnson School application
- A $200 (US currency) application fee for the MBA program
- Uploaded résumé via the online application
- Two required essays (with one optional) as indicated in the application
- Official transcripts for all post-secondary degrees (and official translation as required)
- A certified copy of the diploma for those who studied outside the US and official translation
- Two letters of evaluation
- Official GMAT test score reports. http://www.mba.com/
- Official TOEFL or IELTS score reports for applicants whose native language is not English. TOEFL test score please use code 2098 http://www.toefl.org/ or obtain IELTS score reports from the test center where examined.

Dream List @ Yale School of Management

Yale School of Management - http://mba.yale.edu/index.shtml

Yale SOM blog - http://blogs.som.yale.edu/archives/461

Yale apply on-line (August~March) - http://mba.yale.edu/MBA/admissions/apply/index.shtml


Round 1: October (decisions due by December)
Round 2: January (decisions due by April)
Round 3: March (decisions due by May)



Please answer each of the four questions below with a short paragraph of no more than 150 words. This is an opportunity to distill your core ideas, values, goals and motivations into a set of snapshots that help tell us who you are, where you are headed, and why. (600 words maximum)

1. What are your professional goals immediately after you receive your MBA?

2. What are your long-term career aspirations?

3. Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA and why now? (If you plan to use your MBA experience to make a significant change in the field or nature of your career, please tell us what you have done to prepare for this transition.)

4. What attracts you specifically to the Yale School of Management’s MBA program?


Describe an accomplishment that exhibits your leadership style. The description should include evidence of your leadership skills, the actions you took, and the impact you had on your organization. (500 words maximum)


Choose one of the following topics and answer it in essay form. Please indicate the topic number at the beginning of your essay. (500 words maximum)

1. A central premise of our teaching about leadership at the Yale School of Management is that true leadership—leadership that helps to address a significant problem in a new way—is necessarily personal. It is only when personal passion aligns with meaningful aspirations that individuals are able to inspire others to act in support of an important goal or cause. What are you most passionate about, and how have you demonstrated a commitment to this passion?

2. What achievement are you most proud of and why?

3. What is the most difficult feedback you have received from another person or the most significant weakness you have perceived in yourself? What steps have you taken to address it and how will business school contribute to this process?

4. Describe a situation in which you devised and implemented a creative or unique solution to a difficult problem. What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?

5. Required for reapplicants: What steps have you taken to improve your candidacy since your last application?


If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation, please provide any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (250 words maximum)

Dream List @ Columbia Univ. (Columbia Business School)

Columbia University (Columbia Business School) - http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/mba/learnmore

Apply on-line - http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/mba/learnmore/applynow/start

Application Instructions

Fees (USD250)
About the Online Application
GMAT Information (Columbia's code is QF8-N6-52)
GPA Conversion Guide
International Applicants (TOEFL-Columbia's ETS code is 2174, MBA department code 02)
Application Options

Dearm List @ UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

UC Berkeley Hass School of Business - http://mba.haas.berkeley.edu/prospective.html

One / due: October; decision: January
Two / due: December; decision: March
Three / due: February; decision: April
Four / due: March; decision: May

you must submit the following supplemental materials:

$200 application fee

Two professional letters of recommendation: Recommenders may submit letters of recommendation either by paper or electronically. PDF of the Fall 2010 recommendation form.

Current resume (must be submitted online)

One official transcript from every college/university/graduate institution you have attended since secondary/high school graduation regardless of length of study. Graduates of non-U.S. institutions must also provide one official degree certificate in the original language. English translations are required if the documents are not in English. Official copies (required for admission) must arrive in a sealed envelope as issued by the school. For review purposes unofficial copies may be uploaded or mailed.

Official GMAT(Graduate Management Admissions Test) Score Report (Institution Code N2VPT47): You can obtain detailed information about the GMAT by visiting http://www.gmac.com.

Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Score Report, if applicable (Institution code 4833-02): You can obtain detailed information about the TOEFL by visiting http://www.toefl.org, or the IELTS by visiting http://www.ielts.org/.

Essay Questions
Listed below are the supplemental questions, short answer questions, required essays, and optional essays for the fall 2010 application.

Supplemental Questions:

If you have not provided a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, please explain; otherwise, enter N/A.

List in order of importance all community & professional organizations and extracurricular activities in which you have been involved during or after university studies. Indicate the nature of the activity or organization, dates of involvement, offices held, & average number of hours spent per month.

List full-time and part-time jobs held during undergraduate or graduate studies, indicating the employer, job title, employment dates, location, and the number of hours worked per week for each position held prior to the completion of your degree.

Please explain all gaps in your employment since earning your university degree.

Please identify the course(s) you have taken or intend to take to demonstrate quantitative proficiency. Provide the course name and institution. Beyond courses, please discuss other ways in which you have demonstrated strong quantitative abilities.

If you have ever been subject to academic discipline, placed on probation, suspended or required to withdraw from any college or university, please explain. If not, please enter N/A. (An affirmative response to this question does not automatically disqualify you from admission.)

Short Answer:

What are you most passionate about? Why? (250 word maximum)

Tell us about your most significant accomplishment. (250 word maximum)

At Haas, we value innovation and creativity. Describe a time when you created positive change in a group or an organization. (250 word maximum)

What steps have you taken to learn about the Berkeley MBA program, and what factors have influenced your decision to apply? (250 word maximum)

Required Essays:

Give us an example of a situation in which you displayed leadership. (500 word maximum)

What are your post-MBA short-term and long-term career goals? How do your professional experiences relate to these goals? How will an MBA from Berkeley help you achieve these specific career goals? (1000 word maximum)

Optional Essays:

(Optional) Please feel free to provide a statement concerning any information you would like to add to your application that you haven’t addressed elsewhere. (500 word maximum)

Dream List @ NYU Stern School of Business

NYU Stern School of Business - http://w4.stern.nyu.edu/admissions/fulltime/

Application Deadlines: November 15, January 15, and March 15 of 20xx

Application Fee: $215

Essays 1, 2 and 4 must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2” x 11” format, double-spaced, in 12-point font. Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should answer part (a), part (b) and part (c) with a maximum of 750 words.

Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year), Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 2001, Essay 1, Page 1)

Essay 1. Professional Aspirations
(750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Think about the decisions you have made in your life.
(a) What choices have you made that led you to your current position?
(b) Why pursue an MBA at this point in your life?
(c) What is your career goal upon graduation from NYU Stern? What is your long-term career goal?

Essay 2. Your Stern Experience
(500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

We take great care to shape the Stern community with individuals who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths. We seek individuals who are highly intelligent, collaborative and committed to flourishing as Stern leaders. Please answer the following questions:
(a) What is your personal experience with the Stern community? Tell us what actions you have taken to learn about us.
(b) Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective.
(c) How do you anticipate making your mark on the Stern community? Be specific about the roles you will take on and the impact you hope to achieve.

Essay 3. Personal Expression
Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative. If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font.

If you are not submitting Essay 3 online, you are required to upload a brief description of your submission in your online application.

Essay 4. Additional Information (optional)
Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.

Uploading Formats
You may upload documents into the standard online application in the following formats: word, excel, PDF, .txt, .rft and .wpd.

2009年9月2日 星期三

說大不大; 說小不小的 "美眉" 問題

人的臉上, 眼睛, 鼻子, 嘴巴... 等五官, 除非使用整形方式, 要不然要更動改變是有點困難了, 那眉毛呢? 對了! 眉毛也是會影響面容表情非常重要的關鍵, 而且眉毛是可以被修改的哩! 女性的眉毛長得太粗, 太黑, 或太長, 看起來可能會有比較兇悍, 不親切, 與老態的感覺! 所以說, Wendy 媽對定期給人修剪眉形也是非常注重的哩!

若四處給化妝品專櫃的小姐修也是可以啦~ 但可能會怕不好意思, 就順便買保養品了, 反而傷了荷包~ 今天來介紹兩個 Wendy 常去修眉的地方與方式:

1. 五十元修眉 - Wendy 媽娘家附近的曼都髮廊, 二樓有附設美容部. 美容師洪小姐很親切, 也有提供只修眉的服務. 一次只要 NT$50 而已, 重點是她修的又快又好! 每次修完之後, 整個看起來俐落又有精神, 表情都活了起來! Wendy 媽大約四到六週會去修一次! 洪小姐真的是 Wendy 媽數年來修過眉毛中技術最好的一位了! 有興趣的媽媽/小姐可以以下的方式聯絡她!

美容師 - 洪淑瓊小姐
手機 - 0963-080-926
電話 - 02-2930-6723
地址 - 台北市興隆路2段91號2F

2. Benefit 蜜蠟修眉 - 美國化妝品品牌 Benefit 有附設的蜜蠟修眉也不賴! 標榜說不使用剃刀, 而是使用熱蠟脫眉毛. 效果就是眉毛被連根拔起, 再長出來的會變較細, 且生長速度會變慢! 一次大約要花半小時吧, 美容師會幫妳描眉形, 以熱蠟脫眉/雜毛, 再鎮定... 花費方面一次是 NT$600, 可是若剛好有要買化妝品的話, 可能可以要求免費抵消喔... 另外, Benefit 也有賣修眉的 kit, 有興趣的人可以打電話 02-2722-7781 諮詢相關時間/專櫃地點喔!

其實修眉商家當然也是很多啦... 有些改運修眉的也是要三四百吧... 目前, Wendy 媽就是靠 NT$50 的林小姐和久久一次的蜜蠟修眉來交替, 修一次就可以撐非常久的時間囉~